Happy New Moon!
NEW this week: Showcasing a weekly Tarot Draw for our upcoming LIVE READINGS!
Card of the Week: Shaman of Wands (Tilted Left) from the MotherPeace round deck
In his upright position, the Shaman represents the combined synthesis of all gained worldly and spiritual experience on the Earthly plane and the ability to apply it effectively to different situations. When paired with the Masculine life-fire force of Wands, the Shaman of Wands wields his fire and authority to heal and effect positive change through goodwill and conscience instead of dominating and oppressing.
The left tilt of the card suggests that this energy is held back, however, indicating that there is still work to be done to clear out Shadows that may be blocking our inner Shaman from expressing his Masculine force in a way that is actively helpful and nurturing to the needs around us.
To redirect the energy of the Shaman of Wands, reflect on areas where you can use the power and strength of your experiences and knowledge to offer insight and guidance to others and act as a model for those who need support.
Interested in a READING? Check out our website for LIVE READINGS or contact us to schedule a private, personal session.