The Lion's Gate Portal this year is between July 26th and August 12th, peaking on August 8th.
So what is the Lion's Gate Portal?
This is the period marks the alignment of Sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt and the Earth. During this time it is believed to be a time of increased cosmic energy, spiritual awakening, and transformation.
This is a perfect time to harness the energy and spring you forward to personal and spiritual growth.
- The cosmic alignment of Sirius and earth brings heightened energy associated with abundance, and enhances manifestations and new beginnings.
- The number 8 symbolizes infinity, balance, and spiritual integration. On 8/8, this energy is amplified, making it a perfect day for intention setting and spiritual practice.
- With the Sun being in Leo, we see an emphasis on self-expression, courage, and heart-centered living.
Want to learn more about Lion's Gate? August's hand out in our Moonflower Ministry Tier 2 will be on Lion's Gate!!
Join Tier 2 and get access to more information as well as, a FREE in-depth reading from either Jayme or HP Sandi.