There seems to always be this feeling of dread and doom whenever we talk boundaries. Anytime I bring the word up people shudder with a feeling of yuck. Why is that do you think?
One of my favorite things is creating new boundaries. It is the only way I get anything done.
Having boundaries in our life gives us control of how we live our life, they help us show others how we are to be treated and our children learn to develop their own by watching us assert ours.
Since this is my birthday month, I want us to take a look at how boundaries in a new happy light. Think of happy boundaries you may have. Example I get to spend quality time with my son on Saturday mornings because I gave myself the boundary of not working on Saturdays!
We take a walk on the beach and go to the farmers market before anyone one in the house is up and about.
What are some of the boundaries that make you smile?
How can you make light of the ones you have?
Share with me so I can share your joy!
Much Love,
P.S. If you are interested in developing better boundaries and habits to achieve the life you deserve, then check out our Spiritual Warriors group.