Come January

January is coming and with that a New Year and many New Goals. Many people make resolutions during this time and what better time than now to get ready to make some positive moves in our lives.
Personally, last year was a huge year of change for me and it is ending just as big. What I know to be true is this, if you don’t make the moves to remove the negative things from your life the universe won’t stop until you do. I have made some wonderful new friends this year, helped some amazing people heal from all sorts of ailments, and rid my life of what no longer serves my healthy path and my goals.
Not everyone will be a supporter of your success, so you need to find the people that are and surround yourself with others that are successful in the areas you wish to attain enlightment on.
My new goals this year are to focus more on my client’s needs more deeply and maintain healthy boundaries and a healthier lifestyle for myself.
You know by now, I’m sure, that I am slightly obsessed with Vibrational Energy and Sound healing. It is weird for me to think that this journey started in such a strange way by first only teaching kids’ yoga classes.
I was already certified and well-practiced in energy healing, but fear held me back. Many people that did not understand energy work and had put me down and discouraged me from thinking anyone would even want to receive healing, so I stopped offering it.
Now I focus on what I truly love and focus on moving past the fear of being authentically me.
The New Year is starting with Sound Baths, which I never offered to the public this way before, and I am excited.
My love and understanding of how energy moves, manipulates and how to use it to help others heal themselves, is just getting stronger. These Sound Baths are going to be designed to help open and clear areas in the body and mind to help us be open to opportunities and help aid in our goal setting.
Starting January 8th, I will be offering Sound baths to those looking forward to removing the negative habits, mental blockages and those looking for their own positive community to help cheer them along the scary road towards growth and success.
We really do need each other to grow and nurture one another.
If you are interested in joining me, I have a few options for you. Check out my schedule and see if these options work for you. I offer both in-person and remote sessions, so there isn’t a problem if you are not local, you can still receive the healing and community.
Members of the Spiritual Warriors group will also dive deeper into their goal setting with the support and weekly guided lessons to help them along their journey.
Have a safe and Happy end of 2022 and I am so excited and ready for 2023!
Much Love,