Reiki Level 1

Naturally Heal With Reiki Energy
This course is the foundation to Reiki healing. It is a live class taught over 2 sessions.
Registration is by request, when you are ready.

What Does Reiki Level 1 cover?

  • Discover the history of Reiki, how it was founded and when it was brought to the west
  • Learn what Reiki energy is and how to use it
  • Get attuned and use Reiki on yourself
  • Lear to do a hands-on session on others
  • Understand how the Chakras and the body work together to help you better understand where blockages are
  • Receive Level 1 Certification


Once class date is announced you will be able to register.

Reiki classes happen you are ready. If you are interested in learning more and would like to know when the next class will be held, feel free to contact us and we will be sure to get with you. 

Are you interested in Reiki?