Sacred Circle Promise
The circles are designed to create a safe and secure place where everyone can be heard and valued. We honor each other by holding space and listening.
By reading this you indicate that you have read and understand these Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by them at all times.
You as a participant agree that no harassment will come from your doing and that you will abide by our agreements.
Rules of the Circle
During the Circle :
- All cameras will be turned off during our main gathering. ( Can be turned on during breakout sharing)
- All names will be the first letter you Identify with M -for Male F- for Female O- for Other. Let's keep it simple. This will determine which breakout room to go in.
- Honor the topic and each other's time
- Do NOT give feedback unless asked by the person sharing, we are holding space for one another.
- All information shared is to be kept in the circle and not to be shared outside our circle.
- You understand and agree that we come to Circle open and willing
- You understand that the Circle is a place of safety and privacy and will not discuss anything said or seen
- You understand that you are not to offer advice unless asked, but are to hold space and honor one another.
We accept Payment in the form of:
Donation should be made before Circle.
HP Sandi